Thursday, November 28, 2019

Diversity Training and Promotion among Learners in Class

Promotion of diversity is an essential step towards efficient learning (Ehevarria Graves, 2007). By introducing diversity to class, teachers not only promote a better understanding of specific cultures among learners, but also foster a range of essential qualities in students, such as tolerance and cultural awareness.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Diversity Training and Promotion among Learners in Class specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Seeing that the setting, in which Karen works, does not involve significant diversity, it can be assumed that the program suggested by her should be supported as an efficient tool in enhancing diversity within the educational setting in question. In order to encourage Eric to include the activity into the curriculum, Kara should discuss the significance of diversity with him, putting a very strong emphasis on the role of diversity in education. Although the importance of in troducing diversity into the classroom is often underrated, students, in fact, need multicultural elements in order to acquire new skills and excel in their studies. The above-mentioned issue is especially topical in the environment of the 21st century, when globalism has predetermined the phenomenon known as culture fusion. Eric must be convinced that the silent attitude of ISL learners is far from being an adequate response to the teacher’s assignments and that second language learners need support in order to comply with the requirements set in modern educational establishments. Therefore, a meaningful discussion must be carried out with Eric to persuade him to take up the course and promote multiculturalism among his peers.  The above-mentioned courses will help learners not only communicate with the representatives of other cultures in a more efficient manner but also acquire new information and process it faster and more efficiently. Indeed, recent studies have shown that an increase in diversity rates affects the quality and speed of data acquisition and skills training in students. The above-mentioned phenomenon can be explained by the fact that diversity promotes the skill of viewing a specific problem from various angles and approaching it from several perspectives. By viewing a certain issue from the perspectives of different cultures, a learner will be able to develop a critical approach towards specific issues, therefore, gaining new experience and making an academic progress.  Last, but definitely not least, the issue of oppression deserves to be mentioned.Advertising Looking for assessment on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Unfortunately, the issue of racial and ethnic discrimination remains a sad yet integral part of modern reality, and educational institutions are no exception to the above-mentioned rule. As Kara pointed out in the case study, the instances of racia l discrimination, as well as any type of profiling based on cultural difference, is not a rare occurrence in the institution in question. Herein the need to introduce students to the concept of diversity lies; it is essential that students should be able to treat each other equally and that the relationships between the students and the teachers, as well as among the students of different ethnic backgrounds, should be based on the principles of equity (Wilson Horsford, 2013). In order to encourage students to accept other cultures and treat the representatives thereof with polite curiosity instead of enmity, Kara will need to promote the program that she has designed and engage the learners into it. Thus, the grounds for mutual understanding will be created and further conflicts will be prevented. In addition, diversity will enhance the learning process by providing support for ESL students and encouraging teachers to use appropriate strategies for teaching students from diverse ba ckgrounds. Reference List Ehevarria, J. Graves, A. W. (2007). Sheltered content instruction: Teaching English-language learners with diverse abilities. Retrieved from Wilson, C. M. Horsford, S. D. (2013). Advancing equity and achievement in America’s diverse schools: Inclusive theories, policies, and practices. Fairfax, VA: George Mason University. This assessment on Diversity Training and Promotion among Learners in Class was written and submitted by user Travis Golden to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Best Multiplication Table + 9 Tips for Easy Multiplication

The Best Multiplication Table + 9 Tips for Easy Multiplication SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Whether you're planning to take the SAT soon or just want tobrush up on your basic math skills, knowing your times tables and multiples is a vital part of understanding math. Here, we give you free printable multiplication table PDFs and go over the nine rules you should know about multiplication. Multiplication Table 12 x 12 Below is a 12 x 12 multiplication chart showing all multiples of the numbers 0-12. To use this chart, look for the two numbers youwant to multiply together on the top row and in the leftmost column, and then find the box that connects these two numbers together. For example, if you’re trying to find the product of 7 and 5, you'd look for 7 in the leftmost column and 5 in the top row, and then see where these two meet in the middle (35). (You can also look for 7 in the top row and 5 in the left column- as we’ll explain, the order in which you multiply doesn’t actually matter!) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 8 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 11 0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 12 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 We also offer two free printable PDFs of this 12 x 12 multiplication chart. The first table is in portrait mode,andthe second table is in landscape mode. Click the thumbnail for the version of the multiplication table you’d like to print out: There are many ways you can use this multiplication table to your advantage. If you’re in high school and planning to take the SAT or ACT soon, you can use this chart to help you remember basic multiplication pairs and multiples likely to come up on the SAT or ACT Math sections. Being able to quicklydo mental math on tricky problems involving multiplication can effectively reduce the time you spend attempting to solve the problem. This chart will also teach you to avoid relying too much on your calculator on the SAT/ACT Math sections. We recommend printing out a copy of this multiplication table and either hanging it up by your desk or study areaor placing it in your binder for school so you can refer to it often to help you memorize the most common multiples. Time to turn on your brain! 9 Fundamental Rules for Remembering Multiples As you use the multiplication table above, make sure you know all the basic rules for remembering multiples and how they work. Below, we go over the most common multiplication rules you should have memorized. Rule 1: Order Doesn’t Matter in Multiplication If all you’re doing is multiplying two or more numbers together- and aren’t doing any other math function such as adding, subtracting, or dividing- then the actual order of those numbers doesn’t matter. In other words, 8 x 4 is the same exact problem as 4 x 8 (both equal 32). This rule also works if you’re multiplying more than two numbers together. For example, 2 x 3 x 4 can be written as 2 x 4 x 3, 3 x 4 x 2, etc. Regardless of the order of the numbers being multiplied, this equation will always come out to 24. This means that with the multiplication chart above, you may look for numbers in either the top row or the leftmost column. It doesn’t matter whether you’re connecting the 8 in the top row and the 4 in the left column, or the 8 in the left column and the 4 in the top row. Both ways will give you the same answer of 32. Note, however, that the order doesmatter when you’re doing more than just multiplying numbers together.For example, if you’re multiplying and adding numbers in a problem, you’ll need to follow the order of operations to solve it correctly. Many people use the acronym PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction) to help them recall the correct order in which they must perform calculations to solve a math problem. An easy way toremember this acronym is with the phrase, "Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally." Rule 2: All Multiples of Even Numbers Are Even No matter which even number you choose- whether it’s as low as 2 or as high as 33,809,236- all multiples of even numbers will always be even as well. Don’t believe me? Just look back at the multiplication table above. If you look at the column under 6, for example, you’ll see that all multiples of 6 are, in fact, even numbers! These multiples include 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, etc. A number is even if the digit in the ones place is even (in other words, if it ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8). This rule works because whenever you multiply an even number by another even number or by an odd number, the product will always be even.Here are the formulas that illustrate this: even x even = even even x odd = even Rule 3: All Multiples of Odd Numbers Follow an Even-Odd Pattern Unlike Rule 2, all multiples of odd numbers aren’t, in fact, odd! Rather,multiples of odd numbers will always follow an even-odd pattern. What do I mean by this? Let’s look at an example. Take the odd number 7. Below are the multiples of 7. Each multiple has been highlighted in either yellow (even) or blue (odd): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 As you can see, the multiples of 7, an odd number, follow a clear pattern of even, odd, even, odd, and so on. This pattern works because of a fundamental rule in math: an odd number multiplied by an even number will always be even, but an odd number multiplied by an odd number will always be odd. Here are the formulas to help you remember this concept: odd x even = even odd x odd = odd Nature has patterns just like math does. Rule 4: The Only Multiple of 0 Is 0 As you likely noticed in the multiplication chart above, any time you multiply 0 by a number- whether that number is 5, 0.0004758, or 6,783,390,391- the product will always equal 0. Basically, since any number times 0 is equal to 0, all multiples of 0 are therefore 0 as well. Rule 5: A Multiple of 1 Always Equals the Number Being Multiplied Whenever a number- no matter how small or big it might be- is multiplied by 1, the answer will be equal to the original number you started with. For example, 9 x 1 = 9.And 12,351 x 1 = 12,351. Here are some multiples of 1 taken from the chart above: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rule 6: All Multiples of 5 End in 0 or 5 If you look at the multiplication chart above, you’ll notice that all multiples of 5 end in either a 0 or 5. Knowing this makes it easy to remember what numbers are multiples of 5, even if they’re super high. In short, anything that ends in a 5 or 0 is for sure a multiple of 5. Here is a small chart showing some of the multiples of 5: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Rule 7: For Multiples of 10, Just Add a 0 To find a multiple of 10, all you need to do is add a 0 to the end of the number being multiplied by 10. So if you have the problem 10 x 27, you should know right away that the answer is 270 (27 with a 0 added to the end of it). This rule also means that all multiples of 10 end in 0 (this is similar to Rule 6, which states that all multiples of 5 end in either a 5 or 0). In other words, any number you see that ends in a 0, whether it’s 640 or 4,328,120, will be a multiple of 10. Here’s a chart showing some common multiples of 10: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Zerocan be a very useful number in multiplication. Rule 8: Up to 11 x 9, All Multiples of 11 Are Repeated Digits As the multiplication table above shows, all multiples of 11 up to 11 x 9 are equal to the digit being multiplied repeated once. So if you multiply 11 by 6, for example, the answer will be 66 (you just repeat 6- the number being multiplied by 11). Note that this trick only works up to factor 9. Once you hit 10, the product will not equal two repeated digits. Here are the multiples of 11 using the factors 1-9: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 Rule 9: For 12, Multiply by 10 and 2 Then Add Together Multiples of 12 can be difficult to memorize and a little overwhelming, but there’s an easy trick you can use to quickly find any multiple of 12. All you have to do is multiply the factor (the number being multiplied by 12) by 10, multiply that same factor by 2, and then add these together. This might sound complicated, but it’s really not! Written out as an equation (in which a is any factor of 12), this trick would look like this: 12a = 10a+ 2a Let’s walk through an example. Say you want to find the product of 12 x 9. The quickest way to do this would be to first multiply 9 by 10; this gives us 90.Next, multiply 9 by 2 to get 18. Finally, add together 90 and 18. This gives us108, which is the answer to our original problem: 12 x 9. Try this trick with other factors and then double-check your answer with the multiplication chart or a calculator. What’s Next? Want to brush up on other basic math skills? Then check out our expert guides on how to find the mean of a data set and how to use the acceleration formula. Need help preparing for the SAT/ACT Math section?Learn everything you need to know about what kinds of topics are tested on SAT Math and ACT Math.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

College Science Fair Projects by Topic

College Science Fair Projects by Topic It can be a challenge to come up with a science fair project idea. There is fierce competition to come up with the coolest idea, plus you need a topic that is considered appropriate for your educational level.   A well-designed project at the college level can open the door to future educational and career opportunities, so it pays to put some thought and effort into your topic. A good project will answer a question and test a hypothesis. Planning and Research College students usually have a semester to complete their project, so they have some time to plan and conduct research. The goal at this level is to find an original topic. It doesnt have to be something complicated or time-consuming. Also, appearances count. Aim for professional-quality images and presentation. Handwritten work and drawings wont work as well as a printed report or poster with photographs. Possible ideas, divided by topic, include: Plants and Seeds Does the presence of detergent in water affect plant growth? In what ways? What is the implication regarding water pollution?Does magnetism affect the growth of plants? In what way?Is a seed affected by its size? Do different size seeds have different germination rates? Does seed size affect the growth rate or final size of a plant?How close does a plant have to be to a pesticide for the pesticide to work? What factors influence the effectiveness of a pesticide, such as rain, light or wind? How much can you dilute a pesticide while retaining its effectiveness? How effective are natural pest deterrents?What is the effect of a chemical on a plant? You can look at natural pollutants- such as motor oil or runoff from a busy street- or unusual substances, for example, orange juice or baking soda. Factors that you can measure include rate of plant growth, leaf size, life/death of the plant, the color of the plant, and ability to flower/bear fruit.How does cold storage affect the germinatio n of seeds? Factors you can control include the type of seeds, length of storage and the temperature of storage, light, and humidity. Food How does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it melts?Do the same types of mold grow on all types of bread? Are certain preservatives better at inhibiting dangerous molds than others?Is the nutritional content of different brands of a vegetable (such as canned peas) the same? How much variation is there in any given product? Miscellaneous What forms of recycling are available to students? If college students participated in these recycling programs, what would be the effect on cost, the environment?Do consumers prefer bleached paper products or natural-color paper products? What factors affect the preference? Age? Socioeconomic status? Gender?Solve a problem. For example, can you design a better type of street intersection?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

New York City The Financial Capital of the World

New York City The Financial Capital of the World unlike some of the lesser-known cities in this series, you probably don’t need to be sold on the professional and cultural advantages of   new york city. but as a reminder, here’s what’s great!culturemuseums:  they’re here, and they’re abundant: from the met to the folk art museum and weird ones like the morbid anatomy museum in brooklyn, if someone important made it, chances are we display it somewhere  in this in addition to the fancy bright lights of broadway (hamilton is playing here and only here, just saying) and their attendant ticket prices, there are also discount tickets and off-broadway theaters offering accessible and once-in-a-lifetime shows for snobs and populists from the grittiest underground club to dizzy’s jazz supper club at lincoln center, there are options for even the pickiest listener every night of the when people coming to the city for the first time ask me for restaurant re commendations, i just sort of laugh. there are way too many choices to offer up one option that will suit everyone. my favorite is butter midtown, alex guarneschelli’s masterpiece on 46th st, for the record. we have every cuisine you can imagine at every possible price point, from the $2 gourmet food truck special to the $$$$$ plate at [insert exclusive fancypants resto here]. periodic restaurant weeks offer prix fixe tastes to those of us with smaller wallets.job forecastaccording to the bureau of labor statistics, the top 5 industries in new york are:financial services (duh, didn’t you guys listen to hamilton yet?)health care,  especially providing assisted living services for seniorsprofessional, scientific and technical servicesretail trade and food service.  it’s a tough climate, but if you can find your audience, it can be a resilient and rewarding field.manufacturing,  particularly electronics and apparelwhile the cost of living is intense (weâ€⠄¢re always ranked in the top 5 most expensive cities in the  nation, if not higher), new york is also home to a vibrant community of freelancers and self-employed creative types, from graphic designers to copyeditors. we make our workaday homes in coffee shops and coworking co-ops, and utilize nyc’s expansive (though occasionally dysfunctional) public transit to get from place to place so we can read on the train.housing outlookas manhattan’s up-and-coming neighborhoods in this year’s roundup for aspiring buyers included jackson heights, jamaica, and ridgewood in queens; kensington, bay ridge, and sunset park in brooklyn; washington heights in manhattan; and the south bronx. new york magazine also recommends renting in ditmas park in brooklyn, sunnyside in queens, cliffside park and bloomfield in new jersey, st. george in staten island, and hudson heights in may not make sense for every professional or up-and-comer, but if you’ re willing to broaden the scope of your housing search and make up for the expense of, well, everything with the availability of free, cheap, and discounted cultural abundance- it may be the city you’ve been waiting for.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Influences of Online Book Preview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Influences of Online Book Preview - Essay Example Considering such situations the publishing house has been suggested to start on a new venture of online publications of their books and sell their books via the popular retailers over the web space. The publishing house can also make some portion of their books available over the Internet which may act as an effective promotional campaign for their books. However they needs to be careful with such measures as often service providers can publish books online without their permission and also can make the books available for free download. Case of Google book copyright infringement has been referred to bring out a practical example of such copyright violations. The publishing house needs to be careful in implementing such measures as any negligence can further hamper their cause. Technology has improved rapidly in the past decade. It has made its prominence in almost all the sectors. Business houses all over the world have implemented the e-business to gain maximum profitability for th eir business. Digitalization of market has made it possible for the availability of almost everything over the internet. The number of technology savvy people has increased considerably all over the globe and people prefer to take the online help to meet their purpose. In such an era, digitalization of books has covered a large part of the e-market and is providing considerable amount of threat for the conventional publisher who does not have a considerable presence over the web. Furthermore the presence of the online book preview is hampering the business of the publishers to a large extent. Popularity of Online book preview Online book preview is available in many internet sites where the users can view the book in an electronic form. The electronic books are published over the internet which facilitates the users to have a glance of the whole book or a part of the book. The e-books are readable on computers or in the latest electronic devices. The existence of e-book can be possi ble without any printed equivalence. The earlier version of the eBooks was available for specific purposes and in specialized areas and had limited number of viewers. Those form of ebooks or the online book preview options did not pose any considerable harm to the interest of the major publication houses and it was quite beneficial for the readers as well. However post 1990, internet broadened the option of the availability of the eBooks occurred in large scale. In the present market the online preview of books is available in many desired technological formats which have created more interest among the readers. Another feature of the online book preview really benefits the interest of the users which includes the free viewing. The users over the internet can virtually have a preview of their desired books for almost free, which further enhances their cause of the growing popularity of the medium. Other than the option of free viewing some internet sites also provides the option for the free download which comes as a gift for the millions of book readers. Nowadays users of internet can gain access to almost any books of their preferred subjects and choice and read them online. The online book preview provides facility also offers opportunity for the writers who cannot publish their books because of the denial from the publishers. They can make their books available to the readers through the online mode.  

Strategic management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic management - Assignment Example anagement since its emergence in the 1950s, strategic management has been appreciated in the modern organizations as a critical strategy to attaining sustainable competitive advantage. Similarly, research in the field has been abundant though a majority of these research studies focus on the Western context. In this paper, Elbanna (2013) seeks to explore strategic management in the context of Arab Middle East economy. This researcher chooses to focus on public organizations in UAE to evaluate the characteristics, development, planning and evaluation of strategic planning, including the success factors. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the selected samples because these two host most of the federal organizations; local organizations in the emirates are required to have strategic plans; and over 66% of the UAE population live in these two emirates. The results which consistently exhibited minimal disparity between the federal and local organizations give evidence of widespread strategic managem ent practices in UAE public sector, including the planning, development, implementation and evaluation. Even with this success, the researcher observes gaps in the approach in UAE. Thus, the article concludes by giving the author’s recommendations on how to fill the gaps so that the public sector in UAE would realize the full benefits from strategic management. It would be deduced from this article that strategic management has been widely adopted among UAE public organizations despite little research on the same in the given context. This being among the few articles on the UAE context, Elbanna (2013) indicates that UAE public organizations appreciate the importance of strategic management even with the policy directive requiring public organizations to update their strategic plans. With both federal and local governments exhibiting positive attitude towards strategic management, it would be useful for this to be fostered as it would ensure effective implementation of strategic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Book After The Fact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Book After The Fact - Essay Example Whether for a historical methods course or for an introductory survey, this book is the perfect text to introduce readers, stepwise, to the analytical approaches and detective work that historians use when they are actually doing history. The authors of the book are both are both history professors and historians who have specialized in American history and they draw their work from the history of the USA to provide illustrations of the ideas they are interested in describing. Each chapter of the book is dedicated to an individual detection technique that can be applied in depth to explore and renovate past events. The main idea behind the book is communicated in an extensive introduction that looks at the life of an 18th C diplomat called Silas Deane, whose death was nothing less than mysterious death (Davidson and Mark, 88). The book illustrates how historical investigation is equivalent to the seemingly more exciting detective work used to solve mysterious in tv, movies and real l ife. I must say that; through this work, we are able to uncover the truth of what happened in the past. The authors take people and/or events in the USA history and write chapters on the events representing techniques and methods used in writing and studying history. To some people this may seem boring- but fact is, it is not. The reality is an interesting look at events- some known other not clear- that reminds us that good narratives are required for good history and historians must use numerous diverse techniques and methods to get the information they require to completely and appropriately write the narratives. In chapter one, the authors examine the significance of the selection of evidence even if its real importance may not appear understandable at first. The authors focus on early settlement of Virginia as an example. The Virginia settlement is a vital historical subject in America especially because it is one of the earliest English settlements in the United States of Amer ica. Until today, there is still a good deal of written description about Virginia settlement that survives despite the fact that much of the written records about the settlement have been lost (Davidson and Mark, 9). The most remembered historical account is that of Captain John smith, whose swashbuckling tale gives emphasis to his own involvement and importance. Smith witnessed a Native American ritual of some form and described it in writing. As demonstrated by the authors, Smith’s account, however, was given in terms that were similar to him and would have been familiar to his readers. Unknown to him was the intended meaning of the traditional roles and ritual of the people involved. Some other prove is found in the dry accounts of financial transactions and court decisions, which include an order necessitating Virginia settlers to plant at least two acres of corn while at the same time forbidding them from burning hay to dry tobacco. If you have read this book, then you will certainly agree with me that it is possible to know truth about the past historical events. History is a very interesting that every person should fall in love with. The chapters in the book combine one incident and one aspect on the way historians go about doing what they love best-history. For example, the chapter of the Salem witch trials tells us a rather interesting story while at the some time introducing the reader painlessly to the historical perceptions of community dynamics, demographics, multiple causations, and the status of women in the 17th C New England (Davidson and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24

Leadership - Essay Example Globalization though considered as advantageous for everyone, increases the concern of employees as it brings along change with itself. Change is referred to as doing this differently, in simpler terms; change is the process of doing same jobs in different ways. Change is highly disliked by employees as they fear that they will not be able to cope with change and will lose their jobs, thus employees tend to be an obstacle in the way of organization’s success if they stand against change. For example: In Information Technology industry, continuous change takes place, new software is developed to make work easier and to replace the older software. Employees fear that they might not be able to work on the new software and they resist this change as they fear they will be replaced by people who have knowledge of how to use the software. New software may be helpful in increasing productivity and decreasing loss of time, thus if firms in this industry fail to implement this change, they might continue with lower productivity and time will be wasted, thus they will not be able to compete against those firms that implement such changes. In these scenarios the leaders have to play a major role, they have to step forward and provide proper training to their followers so their followers can easily accept this change, leaders even have to articulate these changes to the employees and have to present a positive and beneficial picture of the acceptance of this change for the employees as well as the organization.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Relationship between Mind and Body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Relationship between Mind and Body - Essay Example Similarly, the paper discusses whether one is more significant than the other is in a human life. Descartes talks about a possible existence of material outside God and the Self. Accordingly, the author holds that the existence of such objects is only possible because God creates them. Therefore, the author postulates that the materials exist because they relate to pure mathematics. It because Descartes believes that God makes what he thinks in the way it is. Similarly, nothing is impossible for God to create unless someone does not understand a thing (Descartes, Meditation VI: about the existence of Material things from the Body). Consequently, after discovering the possibility of the existence of the objects, the author then turns to the presence of mental pictures as evidence. Therefore, he distinguishes perception and imagination. Accordingly, he asserts that creativity refers to the capacity of knowledge to the body that is immediately present to it, without conception or intellection (Descartes, Meditations, 6), which prevails as a mental image. Understanding is not automatically a picture. He applies an example, that when he has a mental image of a triangle, he does not just perceive it to be a figure with three lines; he says he looks at the lines as if they were present to the mental eye. Therefore, that is what Descartes calls a mental picture. Descartes gives priority to the mind than the body. It is because the mind controls the body. In other words, the body only responds to whatever the mind perceives, conceives, and accepts as reality.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues Essay Example for Free

Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues Essay D1. Develop productive working relationships with colleagues 4) How to identify conflicts of interest with colleagues and the measurements that can be used to manage or remove them A conflict of interest occurs when an individual or organisation is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other. An example of this between colleagues could be the staff wants to have training to gain more knowledge, but the manager wants them delivering sales therefore being on the phones so not to loose out on any business. These are two conflicts of interest, i. e. revenue the business makes vs. new learning skills the agents gain. The way to manage this is to ensure both interest of colleagues are satisfied or a compromise is allowed. For example the compromise could be that if the agents receive the learning sessions and are off the phones, that they have a shorter break to ensure the company is still getting money. This would resolve the issue and both parties would be satisfied. Assessing both sides when there are conflicts of interest is important, as it puts into perspective what affects each individual. This should be discussed possibly in a group meeting, and a solution put together to make sure everyone is happy with the final outcome. ) How to take account of diversity issues when developing working relationships with colleagues Diversity in a business means that the company has a diverse work force this can consist of a range of different cultures, men and women, people of many generations, people from ethnically and racially diverse backgrounds. A company that supports the diversity of its workforce can also improve employee satisfaction. Diversity is beneficial to both the business and the employees an d brings potential benefits such as better decision making and improved problem solving due to the different types of staff. Greater creativity and innovation, which leads to enhanced product development, and more successful marketing to different types of customers as each employee would have something different to Diverse businesses will be successful as long as there is a sufficient amount of communication within them, this is because people from different cultures perceive messages in different ways, communication is vital to the performance of the business But if there is miscommunication within a diverse workplace this will lead to a great deal of challenges, as the employees are going to be unclear on their goals/duties. When there is diversity in the business you need to make note that different people will have varied learning styles or preferred ways of management, it is good to take this into thought and find out more about the individual employee. This will ensure training and management is effective. 6) The importance of exchanging information and resources with colleagues It is vital to keep team members informed and up to date with any changes because they need to be aware of new information that may come into the business. When giving feedback it is always good to give a balance of both strengths and areas to improve on, this way it is not a negative occasions but the staff can also feel as if they are being praised for their performance at work, also known as â€Å"the positive/negative sandwich†. When giving feedback you must give the team an area to improve on, this way they can stretch themselves to achieve new targets and overachieve from the previous months. Giving the colleagues feedback allows them to realise their hard work is being noticed; also any negative points can be addressed and put back on track for improvement.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Strategic Analysis Of Siemens Company Management Essay

Strategic Analysis Of Siemens Company Management Essay This essay will start with a brief description of Siemens, an introduction of its current mission statement and an evaluation of the key strategic issues/objectives which Siemens faced and are facing. The next part, two appropriate tools of analysis, PESTEL analysis of the external environment the organization faces, and Porters 5-Forces analysis of the competitive environment in which Siemens operates; a summary of its key strategic resources and competencies, and any resources that it lacks will follow these tow analysis. At last, SWOT analysis will be applied to describe and evaluate the strategic options for Siemens. Siemens is Europes largest engineering conglomerate.Siemens international headquarters are located in Berlin, Munich and Erlangen, Germany. Siemens is a diversified group, with business in information and communications, automation and control, power, transportation, medical and lighting businesses. The groups businesses have strong leadership in electronics and electrical engineering. Siemens has experienced significant restructuring in recent years, including divestments, acquisitions and reorganization of divisions. Siemens has three main business sectors: Industry, Energy and Healthcare and it has with a total of 15 divisions (Barclay, 2000). Worldwide Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 420,800 people in nearly 190 countries and reported global revenue of 76.651 billion Euros as of 2009. Siemens AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 12, 2001. Mission and vision Highest performance with highest ethics that is the standard demanded by Siemens present president and CEO Peter LÃ ¶scher. Its mission is to find the best way of combining and developing our know-how and expertise, so that Siemens can profitably channel them into outstanding value for customers. It has three core values- Responsible: Committed to ethical and responsible actions Excellent: Achieving high performance and excellent results; Innovative: Being innovative to create sustainable value. Siemens Strategic profile Keeping Profitable and long-term growth is the business strategy of Siemens, which is direct and simple. Specifically, according to the report of Siemens AG, there is several important components Siemens strategy, which is showed in the table below. 2.jpg Source: In summary, there are several key management strategies as following. Making better use of sustainability as an opportunity Siemens view sustainability as an important success factor. Sustainability serves as the basis for Siemens future business success and is a key pillar of Siemens corporate strategy. Siemens is in a strong position to meet tomorrow business challenges, so sustainability is very important. By concentrating its activities in the three Sectors Industry, Energy and Healthcare, Siemens has a setup that enables it to profit from four key megatrends demographic change, urbanization, climate change and globalization. And with the Siemens Environmental Portfolio, it has an exceptionally broad spectrum of products and solutions for environmental and climate protection (Barney, 1986). Whats more, sustainability is thought by Siemens to be closely linked to its values. In all its complexity, Siemens view sustainability as a contribution to a more equitable world economy and the provision of energy-efficient, durable products and solutions for Siemens customers. In Siemens sustainability is also the expression of a responsible employee culture and a sign of uncompromising compliance with laws and regulations. Diversity as a factor of success Siemens is promoting diversity in the management ranks of the company to a greater degree than ever before. Up to nowadays, Siemens has given diversity a permanent place in the corporate level strategy. In Siemens culture, in view of the shortage of highly qualified people and demographic changes, diversity is a prerequisite for Siemens long-term success. The supply of qualified technical people and managers in the industrialized world is growing ever tighter. That makes it even more important for Siemens to acquire talented people and to create an environment that allows them to take on key functions in all units of Siemens- irrespective of factors such as nationality, age, gender, origin or religion. In the year 2008, Siemens applied the strategy of diversity into organizational structure. Siemens created the position of Chief Diversity Officer and appointed Jill Lee, previously the Chief Financial Officer of Siemens China, to the new position. Armed with a comprehensive package of measures, Jill Lee would work in the coming years to meet an ambitious target: By 2011 Siemens wants to have dramatically expanded diversity among the members of its top management. Siemens wants to become the leader in diversity. Delivering breakthrough innovations, Innovation has always been one of the most important elements in Siemens business strategy. In Siemens culture, Innovations are thought to be able to help cut costs, increase sales and achieve higher earnings, and, those who fail to launch the right new product on the market at the right time will be punished more severely than ever before. Siemens intends to become a pioneer in diversity. While this is very important, Siemens to this day remains a very German and very centralized company. Competitors such as ABB are many years ahead in this respect as can be seen in various dimensions such as board structure, regional management or repartition of headquarter functions. Siemens intends to become a pioneer in diversity. While this is very important, Siemens to this day remains a very German and very centralized company. Competitors such as ABB are many years ahead in this respect as can be seen in various dimensions such as board structure, regional management or repartition of headquarter functions. Siemens intends to become a pioneer in diversity. While this is very important, Siemens to this day remains a very German and very centralized company. Competitors such as ABB are many years ahead in this respect as can be seen in various dimensions such as board structure, regional management or repartition of headquarter functions. Strategic analysis for Siemens Firstly, Porters five forces and PESTEL will be applied to evaluate the microenvironment of Siemens and a complete SWOT analysis will follow to assess he strategic options for Siemens. Porters five forces One of the most important division and product of Siemens is electrical equipment and so Porters five forces will be applied to assess electrical equipment industry together with Siemens. Porters five forces Degree of rivalry The degree of completion in this industry is pretty high and there are many big players in this market Bargaining power of customers The space for customers to bargain is limited as the products are highly specialized and buyers are always governments or big companies. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers who supply raw materials or parts to manufactures have little bargaining power Threat of new entrants: As the equipment is of high technology, in the early stage of this industry, the entrant barrier of this industry is high. Siemens and GE have dominated this industry for decades. Threat of substitutes However, with the popularity of new energy technologies, some small companies also entered this market with lower-cost technology and energy, so it is getting more and easier to find a substituted in some limited field in a small scale. Degree of rivalry: In this industry, Siemens competes with big players such as General Electric (GE) of Fairfield, Conn., and ABB of Switzerland. GE has a strong market position in this industry, while ABB has great advantages in power generation and transmission. The number of market players in this field is big and the degree of rivalry is high (Barney, 1995). Bargaining power of customers: In other industries, companies are liable to cut their prices as they compete for jobs. This is less likely to happen with industrial electrical equipment. These products are highly specialized and technical, making it difficult for customers to find comparable products at lower prices. And because these products have relatively few buyers, their prices are less likely to be pushed down by free-market forces. Bargaining power of suppliers: Companies that provide parts and materials to these firms have little negotiating power. The components used in these complex electrical systems have little value until theyre part of the finished product. Suppliers of the raw components are a dime a dozen and can easily be replaced. The complicated nature of this equipment would also make it difficult for suppliers to cut out the middlemen and sell directly to end customers. These suppliers usually lack the skill and sophistication to build these products. Threat of new entrants: Siemens and GE have dominated this industry for decades. To run with the big players, a new company would need a great deal of investment. The company needs to have very good credibility and connections of both established firms and governments. So the entrant barrier for this industry is high. Threat of substitutes: some new technologies from smaller companies, which focus on green energy, have posted threat to big companies that lacks a competing product. In solar equipment, for example, some smaller companies are becoming more viable as their technology becomes cheaper, while solar companies may soon have the strength to compete with traditional power source on price and performance, the threat from substitutes post pressure to supplier like Siemens. In summary, although the completion in this industry is fierce, the entrant barrier for new entrants is high, whats more, both customer and supplier have limited bargaining power. The pressure from small companies which focus on green energy keep increasing as they have advantages on price and cost. PESTEL analysis of the macro-environment The external environment for international business is always complicated and dynamic. The PESTEL analysis of the maco-environment of Siemens is based from two perspectives: one is that Siemens run its business in German and the other condition is that it runs its business internationally or in other destination countries. PESTEL analysis for Siemens Germany GLOBAL Political Germany government policy on subsidies; subsiding policies for German firms Different countries has different policies; the relationship between the government of destination country and German; degree of local governments intervention in the economy; the quality of service that local government provide to foreign firms; subsiding policies for domestic firms; tariff barrier of non-tariff barrier from destination country; the education of the workforce, the health of the nation and Economic The economy in Germany; the growth rate of German economy; interest rate; inflation rate; domestic competitors. Global financial crisis; Overseas economic growth; the structure of local economy; the quality of the infrastructure of the economy such as the transportation and electrical system; level of national income; interest rate; exchange rate; inflation rate; Market demand and segments for Siemens products; local and international competitors. Social Structure and size of population; Structure and size of population; Availability of local human resources; Migration flows; culture differences; brand image of Siemens in destination country Technological New technologies related with Siemens business in German; any technology that could reduce cost, improve quality or service and help marketing such as on-line technology. International technological breakthroughs; New technologies related with Siemens business in German; advantages and disadvantages of Siemens technologies when compared with international competitors; any technology that could reduce cost, improve quality or service and help marketing such as on-line technology. Environmental Weather and climate in German; hardware such as land available for Siemens business Global climate change; weather and climate in destination country; natural environment ; Legal Environment regulation; related laws in German. Related international and local laws and regulations. Political Political factors always have great impact over the maco-environment in which the business runs, so muti-national companies need to do research on political environment before their international marketing planning. Siemens is doing well in evaluating political risk before it enters a new market. It is lucky for it that Germen government has steady relationship with lots of countries. Siemens often need to evaluate the historical relationship between countries that would benefit or do harm to its business. The influence of communities or unions for trading is also in its consideration. For example, trade barrier is also implemented in different firms of local laws. If necessary, a report regarding the political risks needs to be completed before its international marketing (Bell, 2001). Economic The economic situation in destination countries, the impact of currency fluctuations on exchange rates, the development of local market, the local market structure (Barney, 1996), the local human resources and the predisposition of local consumers are all very important issues for Siemens to consider (Bierly,1996). The global economy just experienced the financial crisis; Siemens business in most countries also experienced a downturn. Another problem is that, together with the financial crisis is the tightened credit system for Siemens, which brought a lot of trouble to its business. The highlight is that some new markets such as the China market are still growing fast and these new markets provide good opportunities for Siemens revenue generation. From economic perspective, Siemens has got steady financial performance in the recent years. Social The cultural difference is often a tough problem that all the muti-national companies have met with (Choi, 2000) . Culture, religion and society are of great importance to us. Will and how the local cultural differences affect Siemens business should also be evaluated. One of Siemens strategies is Diversity as a factor of success. Siemens is promoting diversity in the management ranks of the company to a greater degree than ever before. In the year 2008, Siemens applied the strategy of diversity into organizational structure. Siemens created the position of Chief Diversity Officer. Besides, the brand image of Siemens is very good and also means high quality by many purchasers (Davenport, et, 2000), which is one of Siemens advantages from the social perspective. Technological Siemens still have great technological advantages in its professional fields and it is still holding an advanced position in the international competition. However, in some countries where governments are not willing to afford high cost of new equipments, some smaller companies gained advantages over Siemens. For example, smaller companies like First Solar (FSLR) are more viable than Siemens as their technology becomes cheaper. Environmental With increasing attention from all countries in the world on global warming and with greater environmental awareness, environment is becoming a significant issue for muti-national firms to consider (Michael, 2003). The growing desire to protect the environment is having a great impact the industry. More environmentally friendly products and processes are in urgent demand. All of these external factors can bring good business opportunities for Siemens. Legal The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive of the European Union (EU) makes producers of electrical and electronic goods financially responsible for specified collection, recycling, treatment and disposal of past and future covered products. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006, which implement most aspects of the WEEE Directive, came into force in 2007 in most Europe countries. Several product divisions of Siemens are subject to the WEEE regulation (Hofee, 2003). SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Big company scale and market share; Strong brand image; It has a lot of divisions; Steady financial performance. Strong RD capabilities Good at diversity Less innovative in the low-cost new technology Low in credit rating Weak in internal control Depend upon third party service providers for majority of its operational activities Opportunities Threats Increasing demand for environment friendly products Bankrupt of some local companies in other countries Joint venture with other big playes New regulation; Completion from new and smaller competitors; Unclear trend of global economy Strengths Siemens is a German engineering conglomerate with considerable scale and market share; Siemens is a diversified group, with business in information and communications, automation and control, power, transportation, medical and lighting businesses. It have strong brand image. The brand of Siemens has good global market penetration. The brand is always connected with products of high quality in a lot of markets. It has steady financial performance in recent years (Dess, 2008). Over the years, Siemens has delivered steady financial results. Siemens net profits have a similar trend in recent years. Steady financial performance enables Siemens to manage its operations well and also improve the financial flexibility in the next a few years. Siemens is famous for its Strong RD capabilities, which is also an important factor for its business success. Its research and development (RD) investment keeps increasing in recent years; the average number of employees engaged in RD also keeps increasing (Grant, 2008). The groups focus in RD facilitates development of new products and enhancements to existing products help in maintaining its strong market position and serving a new segment of customers. The global economy needs diversity. Siemens has given diversity a permanent place in the corporate level strategy. In Siemens culture, in view of the shortage of highly qualified people and demographic changes, diversity is a prerequisite for Siemens long-term success. Weakness Siemens is less innovative in the low-cost new technology. For example, smaller companies like First Solar (FSLR) are more viable than Siemens as their technology becomes cheaper, so Siemens now face the pressure from smaller companies. Siemens is low in credit rating. Siemenss credit ratings were downgraded by some major global rating agencies in the recent years, which is partly due to its capital structure (Hungenberg, 2008). In November 2007, Moodys Investors Service downgraded Siemens long-term corporate credit rating from Aa3 to A1.Its finance is not good at generating cash flow, therefore, Siemens ability to obtain new funding and investment from external investors may be negatively affected by its low credit rating. Its internal controlling mode is not as effective as expected. Some reviewers said Siemens disclosure controls and procedures have been not effective due to material weakness in its internal control. In the area of anti-corruption and financial report, Siemens got a lot of trouble due to its weakness in internal control. Siemens relied on third party service organizations for most of its operational activities. It buys third party services for manufacturing, assembling and testing its products, while these third parties always have kinds of tie ups with multiple companies. Any problems from these third parties could adversely affect the groups operations. Heavy dependence on third party reduces the groups control over its operation and business costs. The consistence of the products could not be guaranteed, either. Opportunities During the financial crisis, a lot of small companies went bankrupt, some companies are of great value to enhance Siemens competency. It is a good time to buy these companies with low cost. Ally with a strong player is a good way to share the resource and enhance the competency of both companies. For example, joint venture is a good way. Nokia and Siemens established a 50-50 joint venture in 2007. The joint venture is called Nokia Siemens Networks, which combined Nokias networks business and Siemens carrier related operations for fixed and mobile networks. This joint venture is expected to provide significant long term returns to both groups. As all the countries are caring more about the environment, There is a increasing demand for environment friendly products, which is related to several products line of Siemens. Threats The new regulation of producers of electrical and electronic goods financially responsible for specified collection, recycling, treatment and disposal of past and future covered products post sizeable costs and liabilities to Siemens. Small companies are gaining market share by their products with lower price, which make the competition more intense. The global economy has not fully recovered from the financial crisis, so the market has not fully recovered, either. Besides, the credit is still tight, and it is very difficult for Siemens to get new funding from external capital market.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Politics and George Orwell Essays -- George Orwell Politics Political

Politics and George Orwell Works Cited Missing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Books are a medium through which the author can express his views; whether they concern social injustices, current issues, or in Orwell’s case, politics. For centuries writers have weaved their opinions into their work, conveying to the reader exactly what they intended. â€Å"Orwell saw himself as a violent unmasker of published pretentiousness, hypocrisy and self-deceit, telling people what they did not want to hear†¦.† (Crick, 244). Orwell accomplishes this unmasking of these facades through his use of rhetorical strategies to relay his views to the reader. Through his books and essays, George Orwell has found a forum in which he can express his opinions, fusing his political beliefs with a satiric quality all his own.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A piece of literature that illustrates his ability to do this with unmatched skill and unrelenting satire is Animal Farm. Jeffrey Meyers said of Orwell’s novel, â€Å"In this fable about a barnyard revolt Orwell created a satire that specifically attacked the consequences of the Russian Revolution while suggesting the reasons for the failure of most revolutionary ideals† (339). In the book, the reader is given a situation in which the animals are fed up with the overindulgent, unappreciative human beings that run their farm. They decide a rebellion would cure their woes and so they revolt. However, they soon realize that the uprising was the easy part. Now they must establish a government with leaders and rules. The pigs are the self-appointed leaders because they are the smartest and cleverest of all the animals. The two pigs with the most power and persuasion are Snowball and Napoleon. The farm begins to run like a democracy, and all the animals ar e satisfied until Napoleon runs Snowball out of the farm with a pack of wild dogs. After the exile of Snowball, the animals on the farm increasingly become oppressed and Napoleon slowly starts to resemble a dictator. Throughout Animal Farm, Orwell’s main weapon of choice is his stinging satire. In fact, the entire book can be viewed as a one hundred page satiric look at politics and human life. Not only do we see humans being overthrown by pigs and chickens but all the animals can talk and some can even read and write. Naming one of the pigs Napoleon is also significant because as Meyers puts it, â€Å"The carefully chosen names are both realistic ... .... His use of satire combined with a headstrong political opinion creates for the reader thoughts and questions that were not there when one opened the pages of a book such as Animal Farm and began the journey chosen for them by Orwell. Orwell is a writer who not only gives the reader entertainment and enjoyment, but is set out to make the reader think and feel what the characters who are being victimized think and feel like. He is on a mission to make the reader ponder the injustices of society and the political regimes that run our countries, our world. George Orwell did not set out to create books that kindly represent everyone, even the tyrants. He set out to create books and literature that may have shocked some readers at first but without a doubt told the truth. Orwell once said, â€Å"Possession of the ‘truth’ is less important than emotional sincerity.† Orwell is unwavering in his commitment to make the masses aware of the injustices, victimizations, a nd corrupt politics. A writer’s only and best weapon is his words; Orwell chooses his words wisely. They can be bitter or sweet, but they always convey truths about the world ignored by many but seen and written about by Orwell.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

ACL Injury :: Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine ACL Injury The Anterior Cruciate Ligament is one of two central ligaments that support the knee. ACL injuries occur most frequently in planting and cutting sports such as soccer and basketball. ACL injuries are thought to occur more often in women then in men due to the anatomical differences between them. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament also know as the ACL is located behind the patella (kneecap). It connects the femur and tibia. The ACL acts as a seat belt in the knee, it keeps the tibia from slipping as a result of jerky movements. Since women’s hips are wider it may put extra pressure on the ACL, making it more vulnerable to injury. High estrogen levels at mid-cycle may also make the ACL more likely to tear from to much movement. Women tear their ACL’s at a rate of two to eight times that of men. The ACL is listed as the most commonly injured ligament in the knee. Most often when ACL injuries occur the knee may feel as if it is coming apart or giving way, and a commonly described â€Å"pop† may be heard at the time of the injury. most athletes are unable to continue participating in their activity, but some are able to stand and walk. Swelling usually begins in the first few hours after injury. Pain progressively worsens and muscle spasms may occur, A complete exam at the time of the injury is ideal. Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction’s are performed using arthroscopic surgery. The surgery is performed by removing the damaged section of the ACL and replacing it with a graft from the patella tendon, hamstring tendon, or a cadaver graft. To connect the graft back into the knee two tunnels are drilled one into the tibia and one into the femur. Then two small pieces of bone are placed in the tunnels and then the graft is attached to the bones. Traditional rehabilitation after surgery involves a period of rest then the gradual introduction of exercises to improve range of motion, strength, and functional ability.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Engineering Science

The magnitude of the force per unit displaced is and thus, using the equation: Therefore: So the period of vertical oscillation is: 9. Describe an experiment using a simple pendulum to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity (g), deriving any formulae that will be required. The implies of experiments using a pendulum to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity, would be to tie a weight to the end of a piece of string, creating a pendulum. The time of the back and forth motion the pendulum shows is called the period. It does not depend on the mass or the size of the arc, only the length and acceleration due to gravity.The formula for finding the period of a simple pendulum is: Where Period Length of pendulum Transpose the simple pendulum formula to find g: To solve the equations for any pendulum, time the pendulum through say 20 back and forth motions. Then record the time and divide it by 20 to find : Once has been found, measure the length of the pendulum, to th e centre of the weight and input these values into the equations for . Now the acceleration due to gravity can be found. 10. Discuss forced mechanical vibration, resonance and damping in engineering, egg. Aircraft, bridges, ships, cars, etc.Include the sequence of events and a description of the contribution of each to the final outcome. You are encouraged to draw on your own experience where you have been involved in a vibration issue on aircraft. Vibration can be described as the movement on a body, back and forth from its sting place when acted upon by an external force. There are three main parameters that can be measured from vibration. The first being amplitude, measuring how much vibration, frequency, measuring how many times it occurs in relation to time, and phase, which describes how it is vibrating.Forced mechanical vibration is when an external force from a mechanical imbalance causes oscillations through the system. For example when there is an imbalance on the rotors o n a helicopter, the resulting vibrations travel through the aircraft. If the vibration matches the natural frequency of the aircraft, this can cause resonance. Resonance is a potentially destructive vibration as the oscillations will continue to grow in amplitude until the initial forced vibration ceases or failure occurs.For example the well-known ground resonance test on a Chinook aircraft, where a vibration matches the natural frequency of the fuselage and rips itself apart. The likelihood of resonance can be minimized by the use of damping. Damping is the use of systems or components to reduce the amplitude of any oscillations to limit the damage vibrations can cause. This can be done in various ways; springs are used on ears suspension, viscous fluid is used in aircraft landing gear and on the Apache aircraft, rubber lead/lag dampers are used on the rotor head to minimizes the vibration from the blades.An example where forced mechanical vibration leading to resonance has result ed in failure is the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Washington State, USA in 1940. Problems began to arise when on particularly windy days, construction workers on the bridge noticed that the deck oscillated vertically giving the bridge the nickname ‘Galloping Grittier', nevertheless the bridge was opened to traffic on 1st July 1940. The ‘Galloping motion continued and various attempts to correct it proved ineffective. These included extra strengthening cables and hydraulic dampers.Fig 1 On the day of the collapse, 7th November 1940, the wind speed was MPH which resulted in, at first small oscillations of the deck. The wind caused a phenomenon known as rare elastic fluttering (fig 1), where the centre of the deck remains still and either side of the bridge twists in opposite directions. This then escalated into a resonance effect as the oscillations increased periodically. Once the vibration had Ovid past the bridges damping mechanisms and matched the natural fre quency the result was unavoidable as resonance took hold (fig 2).Fig 2 Further damping recommendations were made 5 days before the collapse of the bridge but were too late to save it. Two solutions were proposed: 1. To drill holes in the lateral girders and along the deck so that the airflow could circulate through them (reducing lift forces) 2. To give more aerodynamic shape to the transverse section of the deck by adding fairings or deflector vanes along the deck, attached to the girder fascia Lessons have been learnt from the collapse of the Tacoma NarrowsBridge, the Bronx Whetstone Bridge, similar in design to the ‘Galloping Grittier', was reinforced with fat high steel trusses on both sides of the deck shortly after the disaster to weigh down and stiffen the bridge to reduce oscillations. Thankfully no lives were lost in the collapse and as OTTOMH Amman (a leading bridge designer and a member of the investigation team) said when commenting on the new design of the bridge, ‘ if errors, or failure occur, we must accept them as a price for human progress'. My own experiences of vibration issues on aircraft are generally related to UT of balance rotors or drive shaft components.There have been several instances of loose tail rotor shapeless due to vibration from the tail rotors and cracking on a cooling fan connected to the tail rotor drive due to a worn bearing hangar also causing vibration. Another example of a vibration issue I have been involved with, is struggling to track and balance the main rotors due to a modification which records stress on critical components. This modification altered the balance on the blades and rotor head due to extra weight from wires. Bibliography – Wisped

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bell v. Florida

The defendant, Mr. Gary Paul Bell, was charged and convicted with the crime of attempted kidnapping. At the trial, his victim, through her testimonies, claimed that the defendant exhibited attempted kidnapping in two counts to wit: (1) When the victim was walking along the street during daytime, the defendant drove up to her and offered to give her a ride to her destination, twice; (2) When the defendant forced the victim to get into the van by grabbing her around the neck and holding a gun to her head[1].The victim, who was able to break free from Mr. Bell, ran into traffic and tried to get the help of others in escaping the defendant. The defendant, on the other hand, remained standing nearby with his gun pointing towards his victim, threatening to shoot her. When the victim reached her house she called the police.The officer attending the case noted that the victim was in state of hysteria. The victim was found very upset and could not speak. Likewise, it was also noted that the v ictim was only made to give a statement after a series of attempts of making her relay the incident, which lasted for fifteen to twenty minutes[2].The testimonies given by the victim and the attending officer were admitted in the court as evidence on the basis of hearsay rules and exceptions. The defendant, appeals on the court’s decision on his conviction on the basis of contrive or misrepresentation and that the testimony of the attending officer on the accounts of the crime of the victim should be excluded as hearsay.Issue:Â  The issue is whether the testimony given by the attending officer regarding the accounts of the victim on the crime of attempted kidnapping should be excluded as hearsay.[1]Cases Relating to Chapter 12, 747.

Process of judging

Software estimation is the first phase of project planning and it is the process of judging a software product and solving the problem associated with the software project. We follow some important steps to achieve reliable cost and effort estimates. Explain the different estimation models and estimation techniques. [a. Explaining different estimation models b. Explaining estimation techniques] 3. A. You are a SCM manager in a software company. How will you establish a software configuration management process in a company? B.You are appointed as a software developer in a software company and you have been asked by your project manager to check details of the bugs from the previous version. How will you gather details associated with the various bugs in the previous version? [a. Definition and explaining 4 procedures in software configuration management process b. Definition and explaining typical work cycle] 4. A. If you are a software engineer you must be expert in the field of sof tware, hardware and also database. It has been listed by the industry professionals that time and effort are the most important factors in the system analysis stage.Suppose the employee name, employee id, designation, salary, attendance and address of any employee has to be stored in a database. You can store these data in sequential address book or it can be stored on a hard disk, using a computer and software like Microsoft Excel. Using this example define a database. List and explain the various procedures carried on in a DB'S with a detailed example of the database. [defining a database Listing the 3 procedures Explanation One examples for each of them] 2. Level 2 cache has got higher latency than Level 1 by 2 times to 10 times in 512 JIB or more.Normally you can draw a diagram and show the relation. These diagrams are called entity-relationship diagram in which book is one entity, author is one entity, and the relationship that exists between the two entities is written. Likewi se explain the various notations used to represent the ERE diagram. [listing the notations with diagrams explaining each one of them in one line with example each 5. Consider any database of your choice (may be simple banking database/ forecasting database/project management database).Show the deduction of the tables in your database to the different types of normal forms [Choosing a proper database Explaining the 5 normal forms with respect to the database chosen] 6. Read the following case study thoroughly and answer the following questions: Laxly bank is one of the largest private sector banks of India. It has an extensive network of more than 200 branches. It offers banking services to retail as well as corporate clients. The bank faced a challenge in integrating multi-pronged database management system into a centralized system.The IT department of the bank also realized that the computing capabilities of its PC's and servers were not proportionately distributed among all its b ranches. Each branch had its database management system stored in a traditional way on the disk. The total cost of operating and maintaining the current IT infrastructure was very high and the fundamental shortcomings added to the costs. Moreover, there were also recurrent problems due to the malfunctioning of the currently operational database management system. Therefore, the banks top management decided to fix the problem and operational a robust database management system.The bank hired an external database technology consulting firm called SAPPY Info systems Limited. SAPPY divided the entire IT infrastructure of the bank around two verticals. The retail banking vertical and the corporate banking vertical. All the individual database servers from the individual branches were removed. The entire database system was made virtual such that the managers and he staff can access only the required information (related to retail banking or corporate banking) from the respective centrali zed data centers.There were only two such centralized data centers (one for retail banking and another for corporate banking) that were managed centrally. Staff and managers could access the information through their PC's and laptops. Centralized database management system complemented the security system by bringing in authentication through a unified ID management server. Managers and officers of the bank were able to process half a million transactions per month in real time after the new implementation. There were significant savings in the cost and also in the consumption of power.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Malcolm X, Black Nationalist and Civil Rights Activist

Malcolm X, Black Nationalist and Civil Rights Activist Malcolm X (May 19, 1925–February 21, 1965) was a prominent figure during the Civil Rights era. Offering an alternative view to the mainstream Civil Rights movement, Malcolm X advocated for both the establishment of a separate black community (rather than integration) and the use of violence in self-defense (rather than non-violence). His forceful, uncompromising belief in the evils of the white man frightened the white community. After Malcolm X left the black Muslim Nation of Islam organization, for which he had been both a spokesperson and a leader, his views toward white people softened, but his core message of black pride endured. After Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965, his autobiography continued to spread his thoughts and passion. Fast Facts: Malcolm X Known For: Major figure in the African American Civil Rights movementAlso Known As: el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, Malcolm LittleBorn: May 19, 1925 in Omaha, NebraskaParents: Rev. Earl Little, Louise LittleDied: February 21, 1965 in New York, New YorkEducation: Through grade eightPublished Works: The Autobiography of Malcolm  XAwards and Honors:  Multiple historic markers and plaques; streets and schools named in his honor; stamp produced with his likenessSpouse: Betty SandersChildren: Attallah, Qubilah, Ilyasah, Gamilah, Malikah, MalaaknNotable Quote: â€Å"The white man is afraid of truth†¦ I’m the only black man they’ve ever been close to who they know speaks the truth to them. Its their guilt that upsets them, not me.† Early Life of Malcolm X Malcolm X was born as Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska to Earl and Louise Little (neà © Norton). Earl was a Baptist minister and also worked for Marcus Garveys Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), a pan-African movement in the 1920s. Louise, who had grown up in Grenada, was Earls second wife. Malcolm was the fourth of the six children Louise and Earl shared. (Earl also had three children from his first marriage.) As a kid, Malcolm would often attend UNIA meetings with his father, who was president of the Omaha chapter at one point, absorbing Garveys argument that the African-American community had the tools and resources to blossom without dependence on the white man. Earl Little challenged the social standards of the time. When he began to attract the attention of the Ku Klux Klan, he moved his family to a white neighborhood in Lansing, Michigan. Neighbors protested. On November 8, 1929, a group of white supremacists known as the Black Legion set fire to the Littles home with Malcolm and his family inside. Luckily, the Littles managed to escape but then watched their house burn to the ground while firemen did nothing to put out the flames. Despite the seriousness of the threats against him, Earl did not let intimidation silence his beliefs- and this almost certainly cost him his life. Malcolm X’s Father Is Murdered While the details of his death remain uncertain, what is known is that Earl was murdered on September 28, 1931 (Malcolm was only 6 years old). Earl had been savagely beaten and then left on trolley tracks, where he was run over by a trolley. Although those responsible were never found, the Littles always believed the Black Legion was responsible. Realizing he was likely to meet a violent end, Earl had purchased life insurance; however, the life insurance company ruled his death a suicide and refused to pay. These events plunged Malcolms family into poverty. Louise tried to work, but this was during the Great Depression and there weren’t many jobs for the widow of a black activist. Welfare was available, but Louise didn’t want to take charity. Things were tough in the Little home. There were six children and very little money or food. The strain of taking care of everyone by herself started to take its toll on Louise and by 1937, she was showing signs of becoming mentally ill. In January 1939, Louise was committed to the State Mental Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Malcolm and his siblings were divided up. Malcolm was one of the first to go, even before his mother was institutionalized. In October 1938, 13-year-old Malcolm was sent to a foster home, which was soon followed by a detention home. Despite his unstable home life, Malcolm was a success at school. Unlike the other kids at the detention home who were sent to a reform school, Malcolm was allowed to attend Mason Junior High School, the only regular junior high in town. While at junior high, Malcolm earned top grades even against his white classmates. However, when a white teacher told Malcolm that he couldn’t become a lawyer but should instead consider becoming a carpenter, Malcolm was so disturbed by the comment that he began withdrawing from those around him. When Malcolm met his half-sister Ella for the first time, he was ready for a change. Drugs and Crime Ella was a confident, successful young woman living in Boston at the time. When Malcolm asked to go live with her, she agreed. In 1941, having just finished the eighth grade, Malcolm moved from Lansing to Boston. While exploring the city, he befriended a hustler named â€Å"Shorty† Jarvis, who also happened to come from Lansing. Shorty got Malcolm a job shining shoes at the Roseland Ballroom, where top bands of the day played. Malcolm soon learned that his customers also hoped he could supply them with marijuana. It wasn’t long before Malcolm was selling drugs as well as shining shoes. He also personally started to smoke cigarettes, drink liquor, gamble, and do drugs. Dressing in zoot suits and â€Å"conking† (straightening) his hair, Malcolm loved the fast life. He then moved to Harlem in New York and began getting involved in petty crimes and selling drugs. Soon, Malcolm himself developed a drug habit (cocaine) and his criminal behavior escalated. After several run-ins with the law, Malcolm was arrested in February 1946 for burglary and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was sent to the Charlestown State Prison in Boston. Prison Time and the Nation of Islam In late 1948, Malcolm was transferred to the Norfolk, Massachusetts Prison Colony. It was there that Malcolms brother Reginald introduced him to the Nation of Islam (NOI). Originally founded in 1930 by Wallace D. Fard, the Nation of Islam was a black Muslim organization that believed blacks were inherently superior to whites and predicted the destruction of the white race. After Fard mysteriously disappeared in 1934, Elijah Muhammad took over the organization, calling himself the â€Å"Messenger of Allah.† Malcolm believed in what his brother Reginald told him. Through personal visits and many letters from Malcolm’s siblings, Malcolm began to learn more about the NOI. Using Norfolk Prison Colony’s extensive library, Malcolm rediscovered education and began reading extensively. With his ever increasing knowledge, Malcolm began writing to Elijah Muhammad daily. By 1949, Malcolm had converted to the NOI, which required purity of body- eliminating Malcolms drug habit. In 1952, Malcolm emerged from prison a devoted follower of the NOI and a proficient writer, two essential factors in changing his life. Becoming an Activist Once out of prison, Malcolm moved to Detroit and began recruiting for the NOI. Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the NOI, became Malcolms mentor and hero, filling the void Earls death had left. In 1953, Malcolm adopted the NOI’s tradition of replacing one’s last name (which was thought to have been forced upon an ancestor by their white slave-owner) with the letter X, a reference to the unknown heritage complicating African-American identity. Charismatic and passionate, Malcolm X rose quickly in the NOI, becoming the minister of the groups Temple Seven in Harlem in June 1954. Malcolm X simultaneously was becoming an accomplished journalist; he wrote for several publications before he founded the NOIs newspaper, Muhammad Speaks. While working as the minister of Temple Seven, Malcolm X noticed that a young nurse named Betty Sanders had started attending his lectures. Without ever having gone on an individual date, Malcolm and Betty got married on January 14, 1958. The couple went on to have six daughters; the last two were twins who were born after Malcolm X’s assassination. America Encounters Malcolm X Malcolm X soon became a visible figure in the NOI, but it was the wonder of television that brought him national attention. When CBS aired the documentary Nation of Islam: The Hate That Hate Produced, in July of 1959, Malcolm Xs dynamic speech and obvious charm reached a national audience. Malcolm Xs radical claims of black superiority and refusal to accept non-violent strategies got him interviews across the social spectrum. Malcolm X had become a national figure and the de facto face of the NOI. While Malcolm X became well-known, he was not necessarily liked. His views unsettled much of America. Many in the white community feared that Malcolm Xs doctrine would incite mass violence against whites. Many in the black community were concerned that Malcolm X’s militancy would destroy the growing effectiveness of the non-violent, mainstream Civil Rights Movement. Malcolm X’s newfound fame also attracted the attention of the FBI, which soon began tapping his phone over concerns that some kind of racially based revolution was brewing. Malcolm Xs meetings with Cuban Communist leader Fidel Castro did little to alleviate these fears. Trouble Within the NOI By 1961, Malcolm Xs meteoric rise within the organization as well as his new celebrity status had become a problem within the NOI. Simply stated, other ministers and members of the NOI had become jealous. Many began insinuating that Malcolm X was financially profiting from his position and that he intended to take over the NOI from Muhammad. This jealousy and envy bothered Malcolm X, but he tried to put it out of his mind. In 1962, rumors about improprieties by Muhammad began to reach Malcolm X. To Malcolm X, Muhammad was not only a spiritual leader but also a moral example for all to follow. It was this moral example that had helped Malcolm X escape his drug addiction and keep him abstinent for 12 years (from the time of his prison sentence to his marriage). Thus, when it became obvious that Muhammad had engaged in immoral behavior, including fathering four illegitimate children, Malcolm X was devastated by his mentors deception. Things Get Worse After President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, Malcolm X, never one to shy away from conflict, publicly interpreted the event as the chickens coming home to roost. Malcolm X claimed that he meant the feelings of hate within America were so great that they had spilled over from the conflict between black and white and ended up causing the killing of the president. However, his comments were interpreted as support for the death of the  beloved Kennedy, a Democrat from Massachusetts. Muhammad, who had specifically ordered all his ministers to remain silent regarding Kennedy’s assassination, was very unhappy over the negative publicity. As punishment, Muhammad ordered Malcolm X to be â€Å"silenced† for 90 days. Malcolm X accepted this punishment, but he soon discovered that Muhammad intended to push him out of the NOI. In March 1964, the internal and external pressure became too much and Malcolm X announced that he was leaving the Nation of Islam, an organization he had worked so hard to grow. Returning to Islam After leaving the NOI in 1964, Malcolm decided to found his own religious organization, Muslim Mosque, Inc. (MMI), which catered to former NOI members. Malcolm X turned to traditional Islam to inform his path. In April 1964, he began a pilgrimage (or hajj) to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. While in the Middle East, Malcolm X was amazed by the diversity of complexions represented there. Even before returning home, he began to rethink his earlier divisive positions and decided to prioritize faith over skin color. Malcolm X symbolized this shift by changing his name once again, becoming El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. Malcolm X then toured Africa, where the early influence of Marcus Garvey reemerged. In May 1964, Malcolm X began his own pan-African movement with the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), a secular organization that advocated for human rights for all those of African descent. As head of the OAAU, Malcolm X met with world leaders to forward this mission, generating a far more diverse following than the NOI. Whereas once he had shunned all of white society, he now encouraged interested whites to teach about oppression. Running both the MMI and the OAAU exhausted Malcolm, but both spoke to passions that defined him- faith and advocacy. Death Malcolm Xs philosophies had changed dramatically, bringing him more in line with the mainstream Civil Rights movement. However, he still had enemies. Many in the NOI felt he had betrayed the movement when he publicly discussed Muhammads adultery. On February 14, 1965, Malcolm Xs New York home was firebombed. He believed the NOI was responsible. Still ever defiant, Malcolm X did not let this attack interrupt his schedule. He traveled to Selma, Alabama and returned to New York for a speaking engagement at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem on February 21, 1965. This was Malcolm Xs last speech. Once Malcolm was at the podium, a commotion in the middle of the crowd drew attention. While everyone was focused on the commotion, Talmadge Hayer and two other NOI members stood up and shot Malcolm X. Fifteen bullets hit their target, killing Malcolm X. He was dead before he reached the hospital. The chaos that broke out at the scene spilled into the streets of Harlem as mob violence and the firebombing of a Black Muslim mosque followed. Malcolms critics, including Elijah Muhammad, maintained that he died by the very violence he defended in his early career. Talmadge Hayer was arrested at the scene and two other men were taken into custody shortly after. All three would be convicted of the murder; however, many believe the other two men were not guilty. Many questions remain about the assassination; specifically, who really carried out the shooting and who ordered the assassination in the first place? Legacy In the month prior to his death, Malcolm X had been dictating his biography to noted African-American author Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X was published in 1965, just months after Malcolm Xs murder. Through his autobiography, Malcolm X’s powerful voice continued to inspire the black community to advocate for their rights. The Black Panthers, for example, used Malcolm X’s teachings to found their own organization in 1966. Today, Malcolm X remains one of the more controversial figures of the Civil Rights era. He is generally respected for his passionate demand for change in one of historys most trying (and deadly) times for black leaders. Sources The Autobiography of Malcolm  X. With the assistance of Alex Haley. New York: Grove Press, 1965. Mamiya, Lawrence. XMalcom. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 1 February 2019. Remnick, David. â€Å"This American Life: The making and remaking of Malcolm X.† The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19 June 2017.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Below is Not an Attributive Adjective

Below is Not an Attributive Adjective Below is Not an Attributive Adjective Below is Not an Attributive Adjective By Maeve Maddox The word below is used as a preposition and as an adverb, but never as an attributive adjective. At least, that is what I believed until I received this email from a reader: Have you written about the current use (or, rather, misuse) of below? People are saying, â€Å"Please read the below information and send your reservation,† etc. Sure enough, a quick Web cruise provides numerous (international) examples of the phrases â€Å"below information† and â€Å"below form† from sites run by universities, health services, local governments, and newspapers: To facilitate the application process, please read the below information  completely. After reading the below information, please apply.- Virginia Tech graduate school. Please read the below information carefully before using the old Vocals Syllabus in your exam.- Rock School (UK). For data classifications and handling please read the below information provided by Purdue University.- Purdue University. If you already participate in CAQH: Please complete the below form and submit it (or any questions) using the contact information below.- Molina Healthcare. Please read the below information to help with the application process.- City of Buffalo, New York. Please read the below information to see which option suits you.- The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia). In each of these examples, the word below should follow the nouns and not stand in front of them. The OED defines this use of below as follows: below adverb: Lower on a written sheet or page; hence, later in a book or writing; at the foot of the page. When an object is present, below is a preposition: Read the information below the dotted line. (The object is â€Å"the dotted line.†) When no object is present, below is an adverb: He was asked to sign his name on the line, but he wrote it below. In a construction like â€Å"Read the information below,† the word modified by the adverb is not stated. O’Conner and Kellerman  at Grammarphobia offer this suggestion: It might sometimes help to imagine an unstated word like â€Å"located† or â€Å"positioned† in there somewhere: â€Å"the offices on the floor [located] below.† Merriam-Webster muddies the waters in the entry for below as an adverb by placing the word adjective in parenthesis beside the word adverb: be ·low adverb (or adjective). Paul Brians (Common Errors in English Usage) regards the below + noun usage as an oddity: When calling your readers’ attention to an illustration or table further on in a text, the proper word order is not â€Å"the below table† but â€Å"the table below.† Although it is common to see above placed before a noun in this way, doing it with below sounds very strange to most speakers of standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1"Replacement for" and "replacement of"Writing a Thank You Note

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The History and Origin of Aerosol Spray Cans

The History and Origin of Aerosol Spray Cans An  aerosol  is a  colloid  of fine  solid  particles or  liquid  droplets, in the air or another  gas.  Aerosols can be natural or artificial.  Frederick G. Donnan  presumably first used the term  aerosol  during  World War I  to describe an aero-solution, clouds of microscopic particles in the air. Origins The concept of an aerosol originated as early as 1790 when self-pressurized carbonated beverages were introduced in France. In 1837, a man called Perpigna invented a soda siphon incorporating a valve. Metal spray cans were being tested as early as 1862. They were constructed from heavy steel and were too bulky to be commercially successful. In 1899, inventors Helbling and Pertsch patented aerosols pressurized using methyl and ethyl chloride as propellants. Erik Rotheim On November 23, 1927, Norwegian engineer Erik Rotheim (also spelled Eric Rotheim) patented the first aerosol can and valve that could hold and dispense products and propellant systems. This was the forerunner of the modern aerosol can and valve. In 1998, the Norwegian post office issued a stamp celebrating the Norwegian invention of the spray can. Lyle Goodhue and William Sullivan During World War II, the U.S. government funded research into a portable way for servicemen to spray malaria-carrying bugs. Department of Agriculture researchers, Lyle Goodhue and William Sullivan, developed a small aerosol can be pressurized by a liquefied gas (a fluorocarbon) in 1943. It was their design that made products like hair spray possible, along with the work of another inventor Robert Abplanalp. Robert Abplanalp - Valve Crimp In 1949, 27-year-old Robert H. Abplanalp’s invention of a crimp on valve enabled liquids to be sprayed from a can under the pressure of an inert gas. Spray cans, mainly containing insecticides, were available to the public in 1947 as a result of their use by U.S. soldiers for preventing insect-borne diseases. Abplanalp’s invention made of lightweight aluminum made the cans a cheap and practical way to dispense liquids foams, powders, and creams. In 1953, Robert Abplanalp patented his crimp-on valve for dispensing gases under pressure. His Precision Valve Corporation was soon earning over $100 million manufacturing one billion aerosol cans annually in the United States and one-half billion in 10 other countries. In the mid-1970s, concern over the use of fluorocarbons adversely affecting the ozone layer drove Abplanalp back into the lab for a solution. Substituting water-soluble hydrocarbons for the damaging fluorocarbons created an environmentally friendly aerosol can that did not harm the environment. This put the manufacture of the aerosol spray can products into high gear. Robert Abplanalp invented both the first clog-free valve for spray cans and the Aquasol or pump spray, which used water-soluble hydrocarbons as the propellant source. Spray Paint in a Can In 1949, canned spray paint was invented by Edward Seymour, the first paint color was aluminum. Edward Seymours wife Bonnie suggested the use of an aerosol can be filled with paint. Edward Seymour founded Seymour of Sycamore, Inc. of Chicago, USA, to manufacture his spray paints.