Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Hopelessness Theory of Depression - 776 Words

The hopelessness theory of depression is a reformulated theory of helplessness and depression. Hopelessness depression is a proposed subset of depression with strong implications about the power of perception. There are many negative symptoms, which accompany hopelessness depression. Hopelessness is the sufficient cause of hopelessness depression and is a phenomenon, which deserves a lot of attention. This paper reviews the various elements of hopelessness depression, reviews its causes and consequences, explores treatment courses and takes at the implications of hopelessness. CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES Hopelessness depression is characterized by the feelings of hopelessness. The feeling of hopelessness can be arrived to through many†¦show more content†¦Proximate causes are closer to the onset of the symptoms than distal causes. In addition to the time gap between the cause and the manifested symptoms another factor to consider is to what extent do the events contribute to the onset of the depressive symptoms. It is important to remember that the impact of hopelessness depression symptoms on an individual is a direct product his/her perception of the impact of the life event. SYMPTOMS Hopelessness depression is characterized by two distinguished symptoms: a) retarded motivation and b) sad affect. These two symptoms come from the belief that motivation to try will be worthless and sadness is derived from this sense of a bleak future. Such a hopeless attitude can also result in lowered self-esteem especially if they feel as though they will not succeed in various activities in relation to their peers. The length of the disorder ranges depending on how lasting the event is perceived to be and the lack of social support TREATMENT Since negative life events are theorized to bring the feeling of hopelessness, positive life events are thus presumed to bring on the feelings of hopefulness. Essentially, to prevent the manifestation of depressive symptomatology, the hopeless individual must perceive the life event as an occurrence that is finite in nature and can be controlled with sensible amount of motivation. An extension of this method would involve addressing the behavior ofShow MoreRelatedThe Hopelessness Theory of Depression1798 Words   |  8 Pagessuffering from depression. The articles will be discussing Cognitive Behavioral Therapies effectiveness on those of different ages and genders. The literature will research and review quantitative and qualitative studies and what their outcomes revealed. 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